Welcome to our day event!
On October 12, we open Nalen early for some festival hang out, meetings, workshops, crafting, shopping and community.
SBF strives to be a positive force in our community (both local Swedish burlesque and culture community as well as internationally) and this day event is a great opportunity to mingle, network, learn and discuss!

Welcome to a fun-filled day of festival frivolities at Nalen: come meet burlesque stars, mingle, shop, craft, read and take fantastic workshops!

Happenings during the day:
✨ Workshops with our headliners Bettie Bombshell and Mau Oh!
(11.30 – 15.00)
Need special sign up: https://stockholmburlesquefestival.com/workshops-2/

✨ Burlesque Bazaar
Come shop burlesque related goodies, hats, pasties and more in our market!
Vintage Kreatörskan – @vintagekreatorskan
Art by Anna CarolineArtbyannacaroline.com @annacarolibe_art
Lilla Legend – @lillalegend
Rebecka Skottrebeckaskott.se @rebeckaskott
Pieces & Pearls – @pieces__and_pearls
Stockholm Burlesque Festival
Fräuelin Frauke
Lady Rivet, Rita Regrets, Beatrice Aurore
Velvet BonBon
+ More second hand & Loppisbord (bring things you want to sell without renting your own table)

Want to sell things? Contact info@stockholmburlesquefestival.com

✨ Glitter Craft “Glitter Junta”
Come and do costume related crafts with Merida Merlot!
Prepare for the evenings party night together by finishing that outfit, bring a sewing project you are working on, or come and see what material Merida has brought and try, feel and get inspired for your next costume project.

✨ Burlesque Bibliotheque
Book table with inspiring burlesque related reads to flick through and talk about.

Day event is free of charge and open 12.00 – 16.00 at Nalen, Regeringsgatan 74.
Bring your burlesque curious friends and come and mingle!

Address: Nalen, Regeringsgatan 74